Percent by weight of asphalt cement in the total mixture. Broken Aggregate. Cracked aggregate caused by construction operations. Bulk Specific Gravity of Aggregate (G. sb). Ratio of the oven dry weight in air of a unit volume of an aggregate at a stated temperature to the weight of an equal volume of water at a stated temperature. Crack.

Asphalt Calculator - How much asphalt do you need?
The range of applications extends from the complete removal of asphalt and concrete to the layer-by-layer removal and levelling of asphalt and concrete surfaces. With WIRTGEN cold milling machines, it is possible to machine working widths from 1 ft 2 in up to 14 ft 5 in and working depths up to 1 ft 2 in in a single pass.

How to Harden Asphalt Millings - Dirt Connections
5. Dump The Asphalt Millings. There are two ways you can dup the asphalt millings: Into the Asphalt Millings into a Spreader or Asphalt Paver. Your contractor will spread the millings using a spreader or asphalt paver. Place about four inches of the recycled mix over a soil or gravel subgrade. In Piles along the Driveway.

Compaction, paving and milling handbook. Theory and ...
Asphalt paving, compaction and milling Asphalt paving and compaction. 32. ... In asphalt, the weight of the aggregate accounts for about 85% of the total weight of the mix. The quality of the ...

How To Harden Asphalt Millings – Upgraded Home
Asphalt millings (aka recycled asphalt) provides many benefits over traditional asphalt. First, it is cost-effective. A 600 square foot driveway paved with conventional asphalt can run you about $6,000 in materials, whereas a driveway paved with asphalt millings will cost in …

PM620 Cold Planer | |
The PM620 is a high-production, half-lane milling machine with a cutting width of 2010 mm (79.1 in) that performs controlled full-depth removal of asphalt and concrete pavements in a …

How to Calculate Asphalt Weight Per Yard | Home Guides ...
If you are looking to calculate the asphalt weight per yard, Willie's Paving notes that 1 cubic yard of hot asphalt mix weighs 2.025 tons. …

ASPHALT CALCULATOR [How Much Asphalt do I Need?]
Paving standard asphalt; Imagine I want to pave over an area measuring 20 feet by 4 feet to a thickness of 6 inches using standard asphalt (140 lb/ft³) and costing $150 per US short ton. I want to have an estimate for the volume of asphalt required, …

Asphalt Pavement Construction - Asphalt Institute
Calculate the number of cubic feet to be paved. (Remember to convert the thickness to feet – by dividing by 12 inches per 1 foot). 10′ x 25′ x (4/12)' = 83.3 cubic feet of HMA. Asphalt Mixture typically weighs from 142 to 148 pounds per cubic foot (PCF) in-place. Use 148 PCF.

Information Summary Asphalt Grindings / RAP (Recycled ...
-Asphalt millings may be used as surfacing materials if an appropriate binder is applied to keep the asphalt millings in place. Liquid asphalt (tack) may be used to bind the asphalt millings in surficial applications. -Asphalt millings may be used to construct or repave needed roadway or vehicle use areas, such as parking lots and pot hole ...

How many tons are in a yard of asphalt millings?
Consequently, how much does asphalt millings weight per yard? Bob, for a 3 inch layer, you're looking at about 15 cubic yards. You don't mention if you're planning to compact it, but compacted cold mix asphalt weighs roughly 140 pounds per cubic foot, or 3780 pounds per cubic yard. Subsequently, question is, how much is a ton of millings?

Section 400 Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Construction
measurable changes in temperature, gradation, asphalt content, air voids, or surface texture. New Construction: A roadway section more than 0.5 mile (800 m) long that is not longitudinally adjacent to the ... Single percentage of asphalt by weight of the total mix to be incorporated in the completed mixture

Benefits of Asphalt Milling - LDC Paving
Benefits of Asphalt Milling Milling is Precise. Milling machines offer great precision. For example, if only the top two layers need to be replaced, the machine can remove just those layers. Milling Costs Less. In most instances, milling is significantly less expensive than traditional "remove and replace" methods.

Chapter 2 Asphalt and Asphalt Paving Materials
ing medium asphalt to form pavements. Aggregates are the principal load-supporting components of an Asphalt Concrete pavement. They total 90 to 95 percent of the mixture by weight and 75 to 85 percent by volume. Figure 2-1.Petroleum Asphalt Flow Chart for Emulsified and Cutback Asphalts.

Road Construction Road Asphalt Milling Concrete Scarifier ...
Road Construction Road Asphalt Milling Concrete Scarifier Bit Dt6-20s, Find Complete Details about Road Construction Road Asphalt Milling Concrete Scarifier Bit Dt6-20s,Road Asphalt Milling Concrete Scarifier Bit,Road Asphalt Milling Bit,Asphalt Milling Road Construction Bit from Mining Machinery Parts Supplier or Manufacturer-Zhejiang Duntuo Technology Co., Ltd.

Calculate Asphalt Millings | cubic yards / Tons
Type in inches and feet of your project and calculate the estimated amount of Recycled Materials in cubic yards, cubic feet and Tons, that your need for your project. The Density of Asphalt Millings: 2,410 lb/yd³ or 1.21 t/yd³ or 0.8 yd³/t

Calculations & Conversions :: scruggscompany
Sand = 2,700 LBS per Cubic Yard. Concrete = 150 LBS per Cubic Foot. Limerock/Granite GAB = 105 LBS per Inch per Square Yard. Asphalt = 110 LBS per Inch per SY. 1 Inch of Asphalt = 110 LBS / SY. 1.5 Inches of Asphalt = 165 LBS / SY. 2.0 …

Calculate Asphalt Millings | Cubic Yard (or Feet) to Tons
Calculate Asphalt Millings. Type in inches and feet of your project and calculate the estimated amount of Recycled Materials in cubic yards, cubic feet and Tons, that your need for your project. The Density of Asphalt Millings: 2,410 lb/yd³ or 1.21 t/yd³ or 0.8 yd³/t. Type in your numbers.

Sizing Up Milling Machines | For Construction Pros
The bulk of the milling machine market consists of half-lane machines weighing from 60,000 to 90,000 pounds and typically equipped with roughly 7-foot-wide cutting drums, which are powered by 600-...

Asphalt Milling in Litchfield County | 40+ Years of Experience
When to Perform Asphalt Milling. Especially because the concept of asphalt milling was not invented until the 1970's, some homeowners are unsure of whether they should get the job done immediately, wait for a few more years, or simply go without the process altogether. Our experienced crew advises you that when it comes to asphalt, there is ...

I Need 42 Yards Of Crushed Asphalt. It Is Only Sold By The ...
Answer (1 of 1): I must assume you are talking about old hot mix asphalt (HMA)millings or chunks which have been crushed in a crusher. HMA weights vary greatly but 148 lbs per cubic foot is a good average.If it does weigh 148 lbs/cf, there are 27 cubic feet in one cubic yard, so 27 times 148 would be 3,996 lbs or just about 2 tons per cubic yard.

Asphalt Milling: How Does it Work?
Asphalt milling, also referred to as profiling, pavement milling, and cold planning, is the process used to remove all or part of a paved surface like a parking lot, bridge, or road, prior to installing new asphalt. Asphalt milling companies follow a complex process to …

Concrete, Asphalt volume to weight conversion
About Concrete, Asphalt; 1 cubic meter of Concrete, Asphalt weighs 2 243 kilograms [kg] 1 cubic foot of Concrete, Asphalt weighs 140.02592 pounds [lbs] Concrete, Asphalt weighs 2.243 gram per cubic centimeter or 2 243 kilogram per cubic meter, i.e. density of concrete, Asphalt is equal to 2 243 kg/m³.In Imperial or US customary measurement system, the density is equal to …

W 60 Ri Cold milling machines | Wirtgen
Operating weight, CE 16,424.4 lbs Milling width 2 ft Milling depth max. 8 in Displacement 1.1 Imp.gal Max. travel speed 3-wheeled model 5 mph Max. milling speed 1.8 mph Travel speed in milling gear in 4-wheel drive design 7.5 mph Maximum power 105 kW / 141 hp

How many tons of asphalt are in a dump truck ...
How much does 1 ton of asphalt millings cover? One ton of asphalt millings covers 80 square feet at a few inches thick. A ton costs between $7 and $60, depending on the amount of recycled asphalt pavement in the mixture. How much asphalt is in a ton? Standard Asphalt weight. Therefore 2.4 ton of asphalt = 1 cubic meter. 1 cubic yard of hot ...

seize or shear the asphalt emulsion. • DO NOT apply severe heat to pump packing glands or pump casing. The pump may be damaged and the asphalt may become even harder. • DO NOT dilute rapid-setting grades of emulsified asphalt with water. Medium and slow setting grades may be diluted, but always add water slowly to the asphalt emulsion.

How Much Does a Cubic Yard of Asphalt Weigh?
Facebook. Twitter. One square yard of asphalt that is 1 inch thick weighs 110 pounds, so 36 inches thick is 3,960 pounds per cubic yard, which is nearly 2 tons. A total of 1,548 tons of asphalt makes a 1-mile stretch of road 24 feet long at a thickness of 2 inches. One ton of asphalt, at 2 inches thick, makes 8.78 square yards of roadway.

What is Asphalt Millings? Recycled Asphalt Millings
Asphalt millings are ground-up recycled asphalt. The asphalt might have begun life as an interstate or airplane tarmac. After asphalt's useful life is over, the product is removed, crushed, and redistributed as millings. Though they're recycled chunks of asphalt, millings have many of the same characteristics as other paving materials like ...

What does a yard of asphalt millings weigh?
What does a yard of asphalt millings weigh? NAPA estimates an average asphalt density of 145 pounds per cubic foot, or 3,915 pounds per cubic yard. For example, if your calculated volume is 25 cubic yards, multiplying 25 by 3,915 will give you an asphalt weight per cubic yard of 97,875 pounds, or about 49 tons. Click to see full answer.